The Department of Social Welfare and Community Development is one of the departments of the Sekondi- Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly.
The Department promotes social, economic and emotional stability in families, as well as community development programmes.
It also promotes poverty reduction and ensures income security amongst the vulnerable, marginalized and disadvantaged groups.
Again, the Department works in collaboration with all social service providing agencies, including the Ghana Health Service,
Ghana Education Service, DOVVSU, Prison Service, Legal Aid, CHRAJ, NGOs, Media, and the general public. Activities of the department among others include the following;
non- maintenance of children, child custody, paternity, family reconciliation, supervision of day care centers, registration of NGO’s, income generation for rural women,
community-based rehabilitation, hospital welfare services, out of school youth programmes, LEAP, programme for the aged, etc.
The department has arranged its functions into four (4) core programmes namely;
Child Rights Promotion and Protection, Justice Administration, Community Care and LEAP