Capacity Building Ogp Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Local Government Budget Processes and Innovative Monitoring and Advocacy Tools

by STMA / September 2018 /
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The Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly through a rigorous participatory process prepared and submitted its second Open Government Partnership (OGP) Local Action Plan in September 2018 consisting of potentially high impact commitments. The participation of STMA and its civil society partners in the OGP program has given the opportunity to strengthen the Assembly’s governance procedures to better respond to citizen’s needs and aspirations and facilitated the creation of an active multi-stakeholder forum that frequently meet to discuss and address issues on public service delivery.

As part of the implementation of the Local Action plan, a one-day capacity building is being organised for the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Local Government Budget Processes and Innovative Monitoring and Advocacy Tools.

Expected results

Empowered Multi-stakeholder Forum on Local Government Budget processes and strengthened capacity to use relevant monitoring and advocacy tools to deepen and track the implementation of the OGP Local Action Plan.


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